For the past couple of days I been asking myself why is the death of Kanye's mother impacting the hip-hop community. I understand that at this moment in time that Kanye is a mega star and everything, but why is the death of Kanye's mother so important. It was crazy because as I was flicking throught the channels I saw CNN had it scrolling across the bottom of the screen, and I was in a car with my boy goin to King of Prussia and they were dedicating songs to her and stuff.I was like WTF. I would like to ask a question to everybody and it is How has Donda West impacted your life besides the fact that she gave birth to Kanye? I garuntee that atleast 95% of hip-hop listeners would say she impacted them in no way. The other 5% were probably her students. In my opinion I think it could have been a big new story if she was shot or something, but she died gettin a tummy tuck. What a wack way to go out. My question is when Nas's mother died, why wasn't a big deal made out of that. She died of cancer not of cosmetic surgery, and Nas is the 2nd best rapper of all time.I didn't find out that she died until the Gods Son album. My thing is if your favorite actors mother died we would not know about it, or it would be briefly mentioned. I guess this shows that Kanye is one of the biggest people in popular culture right now. I understand she heavily influenced his music but there should not be this much press coverage. I think the reason why this is happening is because they need something to fluff up the news to distract us from all the crazy stuff thats really goin today. But anyway it is still a sad moment for the people who were close to her and I send my condolences out to those people. R.I.P. Donda West
I think its because she was obviously a BIG BIG influence in his life and they were obviously very close. She was his manager and she accompanied him to various events so she was more in the lime light then other celebs mothers. I also think the way she died was so sudden that the media HAD to jump on it. Kanye is very big now and they jump on anything that they believe will draw viewers. Which is really really sad. I'm not a true Kanye fan, his music is awesome but I haven't bought any and usually if it comes I don't listen to it all the way through. When I heard his mother passed I was shocked because she was so young and my heart bled for him. I KNEW he was devastated. So as for all the outpouring of grief from him. It's very understandable.
JORDAN, i did not read all that cuz its just too many words not enough pictures....anyway thanks alot for introducing me to that nerd song..(wonderful place)....i really like it
long live rock n roll
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