I must say before recently I would of called Will. I. Am. the definition of a jiggaboo. He sold out and went pop with Black Eyed Peas. He is an Exceptable Negro. Nas should of talked about him on Coon Picnic. Last year all of a sudden last year he started commin out wit hip-hop bangers and I can't even front the Fergie joint is kinda hot. Anyway im readin reviews and browsing hip hop forums and I hear he got a hot album. I was like WHAT!! But anyway when I got the cosign from some of my people I listened to it. Im not gonna say im feelin every joint, but he got a lot of hot ones on this Songs About Girls. The songs i dont like sound too much like black eyed peas songs but otherwise I like everything else. Im guessin I like this album cause thats the type of music I like. Im a N.E.R.D.(new joint coming march of april 08...Im hype) The other alternative type shit I been fuckin wit lately is that Kenna. He down wit the Neptunes so of course I mess wit it. Anyway I guess I like this type of music cause they talk about regular stuff. It might be a little off the wall (I swear some of these dudes be taking tabs), but they talk about stuff everybody could relate to. I mean I can't really relate to somebody huggin the block 24/7 (but I can relate to Fab who talks about Gettin fresh and bitches) but I can relate to this shit. I mean these niggas be extra emotional but I guess music helps them express their feelings. But anyway I never thought I would say it, but go cop that Will. I. Am. even though I didn't, but you got my cosign.
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