I'm sitting up in my sisters house the other day flicking through the channels and I turn to MTV and there is a show called Dances from Tha Hood. It has this ugly chick Tweety hosting it. This has to be one of the most racist shows MTV has ever had. If the name of it was hip-hop dances I wouldn't have such a big problem, but why do the dances have to be from the hood. Why not from urban areas? Why don't they have dances from the burbs, oh they can't cause most white people can't dance. My thing also is if your going to name this show Dances from the hood, have hood people on it. In the background dancing there are a bunch of white boys toe woppin. I'm like really. This show is why I need to stop watching TV. Even with all of my hate, I did sit there and watch the whole show and must admit it is a good way for white people to try to hip-hop dances, but I am officially boycotting this show. Half the people couldn't get the dances right Even though I probably won't boycott this show, but it is definitely an exploitation of hip-hop imo. While it as an exploitation of the hip-hop culture, they are trying to make it an exploitation of black/hood culture by having "tha" word hood in the title. I wonder how long can it last. There are not that much dances to do unless they start teaching the reggae dances, which white people probably won't be able to get down.
You sound like the BIGGEST hater of all time. You start off my calling to beautiful and talented woman ugly. You're probably nothing much to look at. Why knock someone who is trying to make a HONEST living at what they love. HATER!!!!
Yeah this shit is retarded. "Now pound your fists and say, 'I need some money, I need some hair." WTF? This isn't even dancing, it's fumbling around like a fucking idiot. All it does is further the fake "hood" stereotype. MTV is the fuel for all the fuckin gangsta wannabe's out there. They see this bullshit on MTV and then try to emulate it cuz they think it makes them look badass. Fuck this shit. I'm gonna go watch the Antique Road Show.
I agree with "I hate haters." You must be sippin' on a huge bottle of hate-o-rade. To the original poster of this blog and Michael above me, you two sound like two rhythmn-less people trying to make yourselves feel better. As for Michael, you make no sense at all. There are no "gangstas" on this show, just people having fun. It's called keeping up with the times. Get over it and yourselves b/c you sound pathetic.
Hate to say it but I have found myself watching and trying to learn the latest dances. I have to agree that the name of this show does not have to be dances from the hood. Why not "dances from the streets"> or Hottest Dance Moves... Also . the host doesnt have to start off the show by all that racket that she be making.. lol .. what the hell is that.. Is that suppose to be a jamacian rant or something?
Haha, I actually sat down and watched this show one day. After about 5 minutes into I had to call my girl just so I could have someone to say WTF to. I didn't know they still had shows this corny on TV. Who really wants to learn the "lil mama" dance? Not I, Not I.
So you're against stereotyping by stereotyping? How do you know that white people from the burbs can't dance? All you need to do is take a look at this http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=7786849 to know it's not true.
Also, they can't be called 'urban' dances because most of these are coming from the south and you know that there are few 'urban'scenes in Alabama! Call it street. There are streets everywhere, even in trailer parks.
the problem I have with Tweety and her team is that I don't see any DVD's of her teaching dancing. I think she is talented and a good teacher...all three of the young ladies are cute...they are too young for me...but they still cute...smile
Please hollar at a non dancing brother...smile
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